

Save 会保存所有的字段,即使字段是零值


user.Name = "jinzhu 2"
user.Age = 100
// UPDATE users SET name='jinzhu 2', age=100, birthday='2016-01-01', updated_at = '2013-11-17 21:34:10' WHERE id=111;

保存 是一个组合函数。 如果保存值不包含主键,它将执行 Create,否则它将执行 Update (包含所有字段)。

db.Save(&User{Name: "jinzhu", Age: 100})
// INSERT INTO `users` (`name`,`age`,`birthday`,`update_at`) VALUES ("jinzhu",100,"0000-00-00 00:00:00","0000-00-00 00:00:00")

db.Save(&User{ID: 1, Name: "jinzhu", Age: 100})
// UPDATE `users` SET `name`="jinzhu",`age`=100,`birthday`="0000-00-00 00:00:00",`update_at`="0000-00-00 00:00:00" WHERE `id` = 1

NOTE不要将 SaveModel一同使用, 这是 未定义的行为


当使用 Update 更新单列时,需要有一些条件,否则将会引起ErrMissingWhereClause 错误,查看 阻止全局更新 了解详情。 当使用 Model 方法,并且它有主键值时,主键将会被用于构建条件,例如:

// 根据条件更新
db.Model(&User{}).Where("active = ?", true).Update("name", "hello")
// UPDATE users SET name='hello', updated_at='2013-11-17 21:34:10' WHERE active=true;

// User 的 ID 是 `111`
db.Model(&user).Update("name", "hello")
// UPDATE users SET name='hello', updated_at='2013-11-17 21:34:10' WHERE id=111;

// 根据条件和 model 的值进行更新
db.Model(&user).Where("active = ?", true).Update("name", "hello")
// UPDATE users SET name='hello', updated_at='2013-11-17 21:34:10' WHERE id=111 AND active=true;


Updates 方法支持 structmap[string]interface{} 参数。当使用 struct 更新时,默认情况下GORM 只会更新非零值的字段

// 根据 `struct` 更新属性,只会更新非零值的字段
db.Model(&user).Updates(User{Name: "hello", Age: 18, Active: false})
// UPDATE users SET name='hello', age=18, updated_at = '2013-11-17 21:34:10' WHERE id = 111;

// 根据 `map` 更新属性
db.Model(&user).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"name": "hello", "age": 18, "active": false})
// UPDATE users SET name='hello', age=18, active=false, updated_at='2013-11-17 21:34:10' WHERE id=111;

注意 使用 struct 更新时, GORM 将只更新非零值字段。 你可能想用 map 来更新属性,或者使用 Select 声明字段来更新


如果您想要在更新时选择、忽略某些字段,您可以使用 SelectOmit

// 选择 Map 的字段
// User 的 ID 是 `111`:
db.Model(&user).Select("name").Updates(map[string]interface{}{"name": "hello", "age": 18, "active": false})
// UPDATE users SET name='hello' WHERE id=111;

db.Model(&user).Omit("name").Updates(map[string]interface{}{"name": "hello", "age": 18, "active": false})
// UPDATE users SET age=18, active=false, updated_at='2013-11-17 21:34:10' WHERE id=111;

// 选择 Struct 的字段(会选中零值的字段)
db.Model(&user).Select("Name", "Age").Updates(User{Name: "new_name", Age: 0})
// UPDATE users SET name='new_name', age=0 WHERE id=111;

// 选择所有字段(选择包括零值字段的所有字段)
db.Model(&user).Select("*").Updates(User{Name: "jinzhu", Role: "admin", Age: 0})

// 选择除 Role 外的所有字段(包括零值字段的所有字段)
db.Model(&user).Select("*").Omit("Role").Updates(User{Name: "jinzhu", Role: "admin", Age: 0})

更新 Hook

GORM 支持的 hook 包括:BeforeSave, BeforeUpdate, AfterSave, AfterUpdate. 更新记录时将调用这些方法,查看 Hooks 获取详细信息

func (u *User) BeforeUpdate(tx *gorm.DB) (err error) {
if u.Role == "admin" {
return errors.New("admin user not allowed to update")


If we haven’t specified a record having a primary key value with Model, GORM will perform a batch update

// Update with struct
db.Model(User{}).Where("role = ?", "admin").Updates(User{Name: "hello", Age: 18})
// UPDATE users SET name='hello', age=18 WHERE role = 'admin';

// Update with map
db.Table("users").Where("id IN ?", []int{10, 11}).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"name": "hello", "age": 18})
// UPDATE users SET name='hello', age=18 WHERE id IN (10, 11);


If you perform a batch update without any conditions, GORM WON’T run it and will return ErrMissingWhereClause error by default

You have to use some conditions or use raw SQL or enable the AllowGlobalUpdate mode, for example:

db.Model(&User{}).Update("name", "jinzhu").Error // gorm.ErrMissingWhereClause

db.Model(&User{}).Where("1 = 1").Update("name", "jinzhu")
// UPDATE users SET `name` = "jinzhu" WHERE 1=1

db.Exec("UPDATE users SET name = ?", "jinzhu")
// UPDATE users SET name = "jinzhu"

db.Session(&gorm.Session{AllowGlobalUpdate: true}).Model(&User{}).Update("name", "jinzhu")
// UPDATE users SET `name` = "jinzhu"


Get the number of rows affected by a update

// Get updated records count with `RowsAffected`
result := db.Model(User{}).Where("role = ?", "admin").Updates(User{Name: "hello", Age: 18})
// UPDATE users SET name='hello', age=18 WHERE role = 'admin';

result.RowsAffected // returns updated records count
result.Error // returns updating error


使用 SQL 表达式更新

GORM allows updating a column with a SQL expression, e.g:

// product's ID is `3`
db.Model(&product).Update("price", gorm.Expr("price * ? + ?", 2, 100))
// UPDATE "products" SET "price" = price * 2 + 100, "updated_at" = '2013-11-17 21:34:10' WHERE "id" = 3;

db.Model(&product).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"price": gorm.Expr("price * ? + ?", 2, 100)})
// UPDATE "products" SET "price" = price * 2 + 100, "updated_at" = '2013-11-17 21:34:10' WHERE "id" = 3;

db.Model(&product).UpdateColumn("quantity", gorm.Expr("quantity - ?", 1))
// UPDATE "products" SET "quantity" = quantity - 1 WHERE "id" = 3;

db.Model(&product).Where("quantity > 1").UpdateColumn("quantity", gorm.Expr("quantity - ?", 1))
// UPDATE "products" SET "quantity" = quantity - 1 WHERE "id" = 3 AND quantity > 1;

And GORM also allows updating with SQL Expression/Context Valuer with Customized Data Types, e.g:

// Create from customized data type
type Location struct {
X, Y int

func (loc Location) GormValue(ctx context.Context, db *gorm.DB) clause.Expr {
return clause.Expr{
SQL: "ST_PointFromText(?)",
Vars: []interface{}{fmt.Sprintf("POINT(%d %d)", loc.X, loc.Y)},

db.Model(&User{ID: 1}).Updates(User{
Name: "jinzhu",
Location: Location{X: 100, Y: 100},
// UPDATE `user_with_points` SET `name`="jinzhu",`location`=ST_PointFromText("POINT(100 100)") WHERE `id` = 1


Update a table by using SubQuery

db.Model(&user).Update("company_name", db.Model(&Company{}).Select("name").Where("companies.id = users.company_id"))
// UPDATE "users" SET "company_name" = (SELECT name FROM companies WHERE companies.id = users.company_id);

db.Table("users as u").Where("name = ?", "jinzhu").Update("company_name", db.Table("companies as c").Select("name").Where("c.id = u.company_id"))

db.Table("users as u").Where("name = ?", "jinzhu").Updates(map[string]interface{}{"company_name": db.Table("companies as c").Select("name").Where("c.id = u.company_id")})

不使用 Hook 和时间追踪

If you want to skip Hooks methods and don’t track the update time when updating, you can use UpdateColumn, UpdateColumns, it works like Update, Updates

// Update single column
db.Model(&user).UpdateColumn("name", "hello")
// UPDATE users SET name='hello' WHERE id = 111;

// Update multiple columns
db.Model(&user).UpdateColumns(User{Name: "hello", Age: 18})
// UPDATE users SET name='hello', age=18 WHERE id = 111;

// Update selected columns
db.Model(&user).Select("name", "age").UpdateColumns(User{Name: "hello", Age: 0})
// UPDATE users SET name='hello', age=0 WHERE id = 111;


Returning changed data only works for databases which support Returning, for example:

// return all columns
var users []User
db.Model(&users).Clauses(clause.Returning{}).Where("role = ?", "admin").Update("salary", gorm.Expr("salary * ?", 2))
// UPDATE `users` SET `salary`=salary * 2,`updated_at`="2021-10-28 17:37:23.19" WHERE role = "admin" RETURNING *
// users => []User{{ID: 1, Name: "jinzhu", Role: "admin", Salary: 100}, {ID: 2, Name: "jinzhu.2", Role: "admin", Salary: 1000}}

// return specified columns
db.Model(&users).Clauses(clause.Returning{Columns: []clause.Column{{Name: "name"}, {Name: "salary"}}}).Where("role = ?", "admin").Update("salary", gorm.Expr("salary * ?", 2))
// UPDATE `users` SET `salary`=salary * 2,`updated_at`="2021-10-28 17:37:23.19" WHERE role = "admin" RETURNING `name`, `salary`
// users => []User{{ID: 0, Name: "jinzhu", Role: "", Salary: 100}, {ID: 0, Name: "jinzhu.2", Role: "", Salary: 1000}}


GORM provides the Changed method which could be used in Before Update Hooks, it will return whether the field has changed or not.

The Changed method only works with methods Update, Updates, and it only checks if the updating value from Update / Updates equals the model value. It will return true if it is changed and not omitted

func (u *User) BeforeUpdate(tx *gorm.DB) (err error) {
// if Role changed
if tx.Statement.Changed("Role") {
return errors.New("role not allowed to change")

if tx.Statement.Changed("Name", "Admin") { // if Name or Role changed
tx.Statement.SetColumn("Age", 18)

// if any fields changed
if tx.Statement.Changed() {
tx.Statement.SetColumn("RefreshedAt", time.Now())
return nil

db.Model(&User{ID: 1, Name: "jinzhu"}).Updates(map[string]interface{"name": "jinzhu2"})
// Changed("Name") => true
db.Model(&User{ID: 1, Name: "jinzhu"}).Updates(map[string]interface{"name": "jinzhu"})
// Changed("Name") => false, `Name` not changed
db.Model(&User{ID: 1, Name: "jinzhu"}).Select("Admin").Updates(map[string]interface{
"name": "jinzhu2", "admin": false,
// Changed("Name") => false, `Name` not selected to update

db.Model(&User{ID: 1, Name: "jinzhu"}).Updates(User{Name: "jinzhu2"})
// Changed("Name") => true
db.Model(&User{ID: 1, Name: "jinzhu"}).Updates(User{Name: "jinzhu"})
// Changed("Name") => false, `Name` not changed
db.Model(&User{ID: 1, Name: "jinzhu"}).Select("Admin").Updates(User{Name: "jinzhu2"})
// Changed("Name") => false, `Name` not selected to update

在 Update 时修改值

To change updating values in Before Hooks, you should use SetColumn unless it is a full update with Save, for example:

func (user *User) BeforeSave(tx *gorm.DB) (err error) {
if pw, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword(user.Password, 0); err == nil {
tx.Statement.SetColumn("EncryptedPassword", pw)

if tx.Statement.Changed("Code") {
user.Age += 20
tx.Statement.SetColumn("Age", user.Age)

db.Model(&user).Update("Name", "jinzhu")

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